In 1878, bounty hunter Jonah Hex finds an amnesiac Green Lantern dehydrated and lost in the desert. They camp and talk, unaware that they are being watched. In a bar in a nearby town, Zatanna - also with know idea of who she is or how she came to be there - is saved from amorous ranch hands by the gunfighter called Cinnamon, unaware that they are being watched. In the forest nearby, Elongated Man saves Scalphunter from a cougar attack and learns what year it is while, like the others, they are being watched. In another town, Bat Lash, accused of cheating in a card game, flees, while the Flash, having watched the game and knowing Lash to be innocent, delivers the guilty cowboy to the sheriff and then catches up to him. Like all the others, they, too, are watched from a distance. In the present day, Superman attempts to find the four heroes from aboard the JLA satellite. He follows their signal devices to the last place they had been - the Grand Canyon - only to find a buried, giant robot that attacks him. Subdued by the Kryptonite within it, the robot's master arrives - the Lord of Time - and reveals that he sent the four heroes back to the Old West so that they could capture an anti-matter bubble for him and to ensure they did that, he had sent four of his operatives to watch over them.