With ten captured heroes transported to Limbo, the reality of Earth-Two alters, causing all heroes to vanish as the Ultra-Humanite had planned. Realising they had been double crossed, the villains of Earth-One are banished by the Humanite back to their own world were they vow to get revenge. They fake an emergency JLA signal and use that to capture green Lantern, using him in turn to get aboard the satellite. On Earth-Two, meanwhile, with no heroes to stop them, the remaining members of the Society indulge themselves, taking what they wish. Finding the heroes in Limbo, the Earth-One villains release them and, before they can explain their actions, are overwhelmed by the heroes. Back on Earth-Two soon after, the Society gathers at the Ultra-Humanite's palace in Nepal though they're unclear as to who summoned them until the freed heroes appear, having been given the location of the palace by the Earth-One villains. Tackling the Society, the heroes send them all to the Limbo they had recently escaped.