When trying to stop a bank robber, Batman is confused to see a delivery van when he expected a sporty getaway car. What Batman doesn't realize is that the Molder made the vehicle out of memory plastic, allowing him to reshape its body into a different vehicle to make good his escape. Batman follows him into the subways, where he is met by plastic robots who keep him trapped in place while a subway train bears down on him. He is saved at the last minute by Plastic Man, who came to Gotham in pursuit of the Molder. The two team up, but in their next confrontation, the Molder uses his abilities to break Plastic Man into pieces that Batman stops to reassemble. They track the Molder down again, but this time he causes Plastic Man's molecules to duplicate and grow uncontrollably, threatening to bury the entire city. Fortunately, the police use a mortar cannon to shoot Plastic Man's head off, which then lands next to a vial of memory plastic through a remarkable coincidence. His head reattachs to the rest of his body, causing it all to revert to the shape it "remembers." Meanwhile, Batman bests the Molder in battle, accidentally knocking him off the roof. Plastic Man manages to save his life, and uses his pliable fingers to trap him in a cage until the authorities arrive.