The Riddler, the Penguin and the Joker join forces to expose Batman to a gas that transforms him into Bat-Hulk, a strong but unintelligent brute who doesn't fight crime. The villains go on a crime spree. Batman reverts to normal, and seeks help from Simon Stagg and Metamorpho. The two determine that electricity can cure him, but Batman transforms into the Bat-Hulk and escapes before the cure can be applied. Metamorpho tracks the Bat-Hulk down, transforming into a lightning rod to conduct a conveniently passing bolt of lightning into Bat-Hulk, curing him without killing him. Metamorpho carries Batman, alive but too weak to fight, down to street level, where the three villains quietly and peacefully turn themselves in under threat of attack by the elderly Simon Stagg and his dainty daughter, Sapphire.