Aboard the JLA satellite, the Flash and Zatanna talk after she debuts her new costume. On Earth, Superman averts a disaster by saving a collapsing building wall before discovering the culprit who calls himself Proteus. Using a mental attack, he causes Superman to fall unconcious before waking some time later, looking completely different and having no idea he is Superman. Later, Aquaman answers a distress call from Elongated Man and the pair of them fall into another of Proteus's traps. In Washington, later, Wonder Woman too falls into a trap laid by Proteus, as does Zatanna hours later. As each of the heroes have their appearance changed so one of Proteus's gang takes on the hero's appearance. In order to lure Flash from the satellite, Proteus has the fake Zatanna call him but Flash realises that she is wearing her old costume; the gang convince him, however, with a display of their powers. Meanwhile the transformed League members one by one come to the realistation of who they are and quickly meet up.