DC Comics
Man of Steel #6
The Haunting
1986  |  Comic
For Sale

Read It:
In need of a rest, Clark returns to Smallville Kansas to see his parents. While there, he's visited by the image of a strange man reaching out to him, and speaking in a language he's never heard. Frightened by the images this being puts into his head, Clark flees his parents' house, and runs into Lana Lang, his high school sweetheart. She's the only person besides his parents that he ever shared his special gifts with. After catching up for the first time in ten years, Clark flies to the field where his parents hid the rocket he arrived in, hoping to find some answers about his heritage there. To his surprise, he finds that it isn't there anymore... someone has removed it.While there, he is once again visited by the image of a stranger, who addresses him as his son.

Writer John Byrne
Penciller John Byrne
Inker Dick Giordano
Colorist Tom Ziuko
Letterer John Costanza
Cover Artist John Byrne
Editor Andrew Helfer
Lana Lang
Martha Kent
Jonathan Kent
Lara Lor-Van
Superman (Kal-El / Clark Kent)

Product Details
Series Group Superman
Genre Adventure
Age Modern
Color Color
Cover Price $0.75
No. of Pages 32
Country USA
Language English

Personal Details
Collection Status For Sale
Location Richmond, VA
Owner Bob Fisher