DC Comics
Justice League of America, Vol. 1 #158
The Super-Power Of Negative Thinking!
September 1978  |  Comic
For Sale

Read It:
The Flash and Wonder Woman are attempting to apprehend Mirror Master and Poison Ivy in Central City, when the super-being known as Ultraa appears to help them out. But when Ultraa reasons that removing the super-powers from the Justice League would stop the rise of super-criminals, he creates a device that fills anyone exposed to it with self-doubt and other negative thoughts. He then uses the device to de-power the Justice League, and also exposes the Injustice Gang to it... little knowing that negative thoughts actually strengthen their actions. Can the Justice League overcome their self-doubt in order to save the world?

Writer Gerry Conway
Penciller Dick Dillin
Inker Frank McLaughlin
Colorist Gene D'Angelo
Letterer Ben Oda
Cover Penciller Rich Buckler
Cover Inker Frank Giacoia
Editor Julius Schwartz
Chronos (David Clinton)
Abra Kadabra (Abhararakadhararbarakh)
Red Tornado (Ulthoon / John Smith)
Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)
Flash (Barry Allen)
Poison Ivy (Pamela Isley)
Scarecrow (Jonathan Crane)
Mirror Master (Sam Scudder)
Wonder Woman (Diana Prince)
Superman (Kal-El / Clark Kent)

Product Details
Series Group Justice League
Genre Action, Adventure, Super-Heroes
Age Bronze
Color Color
Cover Price $0.50
No. of Pages 44
Country USA
Language English

Personal Details
Collection Status For Sale
Location Richmond, VA
Owner Bob Fisher