DC Comics
Superman, Vol. 1 #687
World Without Superman - Powers And Weakness
June 2009  |  Comic
In Collection

Read It:
Mon El takes out Shrapnel, one of the many super villains threatening Metropolis since they feel theyâ??ll have an easy time of it with Superman away, with the help of the Science Police and Guardian. Thereâ??s more than just Mon El on the case though. The Guardian, Field Commander of Metropolisâ?? elite super SWAT-like team, The Science Police, Black Lightning and John Henry Irons, aka Steel are also active on the streets of Metropolis. Meanwhile, Jimmy Olsen is hard at work trying to identify a mysterious laser beam that knocked both Supergirl and Krypto out of the sky back during the "Atlas" arc.

Writer James Robinson
Penciller Renato Guedes
Inker Jose Wilson Magalhaes
Colorist David Curiel
Letterer John J. Hill
Cover Artist Andrew Robinson
Editor Matt Idelson
Editor In Chief Dan DiDio
Sam Lane
Steel (John Henry Irons)
Parasite (Rudy Jones)
Mon-El (Lar Gand)
Plastique (Bette Sans Souci)
Tellus (Ganglios)
Jimmy Olsen
Guardian (Jim Harper)
Harper, Jamie Billi
Atlas (DC)
Black Lightning (Jefferson Pierce)
Prankster (Oswald Hubert Loomis)
Shrapnel (DC)
Zatara (John Zatara)

Product Details
Series Group Superman
Genre Super-Heroes
Age Modern
Color Color
Cover Price $2.99
No. of Pages 32
Country USA
Language English
Release Date 29-Apr-2009

Personal Details
Collection Status In Collection
Location Richmond, VA
Owner Bob Fisher
Links Superman, Vol. 1 at Comic Collector Connect