As the League hold a meeting aboard their satellite, they are interrupted by the arrival of Red Tornado who proceeds to attack them, severely injuring Flash and Batman, under the orders of his "master." After Red Tornado self destructs, some of the heroes debate who the "master" may be; while the obvious answer is T O Morrow who created the Tornado, Morrow himself is dead. Their wondering is cut short, though, by the arrival of another Red Tornado. As the second android attacks Superman with Kryptonite, The Flash recovers and sends the android out into space before it self destructs. On Earth, watching the battle, is T O Morrow who wonders how, when he did everything the same as the first time he created the Tornado, his latest androids are clearly malfunctioning. In an attempt to find out why, he heads to New York where the real Tornado lives with his family. Morrow forces Tornado to leave his family just before the League arrive. Morrow talks with Tornado and reveals that when he was first created, some outside force affected the creation and Morrow intends to find out what it was.