DC Comics
JLA #1000000
One Million - Prisoners Of The Twentieth Century
November 1998  |  Comic
For Sale

Read It:
The future JLA can see only one way to save the world of the 20th century, and they'll need present JLA hardware to do it. Lacking the time to explain themselves, their virus-increased aggression kicks in and they simply invade. Steel manages to retain enough clear thought process to defuse the situation.

Writer Grant Morrison
Penciller Howard Porter
Inker John Dell
Colorist Pat Garrahy
Letterer Ken Lopez
Editor Dan Raspler
Steel (John Henry Irons)
Oracle (Barbara Gordon)
Big Barda (Barda Free)
Flash (John Fox)
Plastic Man (Patrick 'Eel' O'Brian)
Huntress (Helena Bertinelli)
Hourman (Matthew Tyler)
Martian Manhunter (J'onn J'onzz)
Starman (Ferris Knight)
Batman (Justice Legion A)
Superman (Justice Legion A)
Wonder Woman (Justice Legion A)
Aquaman (Justice Legion A)
Batman (Bruce Wayne)

Product Details
Series Group JLA
Genre Adventure, Super-Heroes, Action
Age Modern
Color Color
Cover Price $1.99
No. of Pages 32
Country USA
Language English

Personal Details
Collection Status For Sale
Location Richmond, VA
Owner Bob Fisher
Links JLA at Comic Collector Connect