DC Comics
JLA #7
Heaven On Earth
July 1997  |  Comic
For Sale

Read It:
The Earth-bound Leaguers do everything they can to hold back an army of angels, but they're out of their depth. Meanwhile, Superman (who has expressed concerns about living up to his own myth) single-handedly pulls the moon back into orbit before heading planetside to take the head attacking angel on in single combat. He holds the line long enough for Flash and Green Lantern to disrupt the invaders' attack.

Writer Grant Morrison
Penciller Howard Porter
Inker Ken Branch, John Dell
Colorist Pat Garrahy
Letterer Ken Lopez
Cover Penciller Howard Porter
Cover Inker John Dell
Editor Ruben Diaz
Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner)
Martian Manhunter (J'onn J'onzz)
Aquaman (Orin / Arthur Curry)
Demons Three (Abnegazar)
Demons Three (Ghast)
Flash (Wally West)
Superman (Kal-El / Clark Kent)
Batman (Bruce Wayne)
Wonder Woman (Diana Prince)

Product Details
Series Group JLA
Genre Adventure, Super-Heroes, Action
Age Modern
Color Color
Cover Price $1.95
No. of Pages 32
Country USA
Language English

Personal Details
Collection Status For Sale
Location Richmond, VA
Owner Bob Fisher
Links JLA at Comic Collector Connect