DC Comics
The Brave and the Bold, Vol. 1 #87
The Widow-Maker
January 1970  |  Comic
For Sale

Read It:
Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince both attend the same race, Bruce with hopes of competing. When there, they learn of van Dort, the Widow-Maker, a racer who has killed seven opponents through mysterious "accidents." Diana overhears a plot to sabotage Bruce Wayne's car, and comes to the garage to stop it. Bruce Wayne, in an attempt to protect his secret identity, takes a blow to the head while fighting at less than full capacity. He awakens in the hospital, and is told he can't safely drive. He gets permission for Batman to race in his stead. While Batman tries to deal with van Dort on the track, while Diana takes out his thugs off the track. Assuming his thugs are failing him, van Dort takes the lead earlier than planned, and is the victim of his last booby-trap, as that thug was told to expect van Dort in second place. Batman manages to win the race, even with his damaged car.

Writer Mike Sekowsky
Penciller Mike Sekowsky
Inker Dick Giordano
Cover Penciller Mike Sekowsky
Cover Inker Dick Giordano
Wonder Woman (Diana Prince)
I Ching
Willi van Dort
Batman (Bruce Wayne)

Product Details
Series Group Brave and the Bold
Genre Action, Adventure, Super-Heroes
Age Bronze
Color Color
Cover Price $0.15
Country USA
Language English

Personal Details
Collection Status For Sale
Location Richmond, VA
Owner Bob Fisher