DC Comics
Justice League of America, Vol. 1 #128
Death-Visions Of The Justice League!
March 1976  |  Comic
For Sale

Read It:
Having rejoined the Justice League, Wonder Woman is shocked to find them packing up and quitting the satellite. Each of them tells her of how they had fought individual foes and, when confronted by their own mortality, had realized they did not want to die and decided to quit. From Oa, the Guardians of The Universe witness the arrival on Earth of Nekron, the Fear Parasite who feeds off fear. Battling Green Lantern, Nekron only just manages to defeat him. The Lantern's ring reaches the satellite, however, and warns the League of Nekron. The heroes band together and attempt to defeat Nekron but again are cowed by the thoughts of their own deaths. On the satellite, they receive a message from Nekron who claims to be about to destroy Midway City unless Hawkman stops him. Instead, Hawkman merely telephones Hawkgirl and tells her to leave the city.

Writer Martin Pasko
Artist Dick Dillin
Inker Frank McLaughlin
Cover Artist Ernie Chun
Editor Julius Schwartz

Product Details
Series Group Justice League
Genre Action, Adventure, Super-Heroes
Age Bronze
Color Color
Cover Price $0.25
No. of Pages 32
Country USA
Language English

Personal Details
Collection Status For Sale
Location Richmond, VA
Owner Bob Fisher