Unknown to the League, The Key manages to revive the previously deactivated Amazo. Days later, Zatanna meets with The Atom and confesses that she is losing her magical powers. Meanwhile, the Leaguers each discover that their own powers are fading and gather at the satellite. All the evidence points to Amazo siphoning the heroes' life-spans, depriving them of their powers. Unknown to the League, those powers are then siphoned into the body of The Key, changing him from a shriveled dwarf to a normal man. The League discover his hideout but are attacked by Amazo who, having defeated the League, turns on The Key. However, the heroes reverse the process and destroy Amazo but out of compassion, Zatanna donates some of her own life energy to The Key to prevent him reverting back to a dwarf state. She later reveals to The Atom that her powers have been seriously reduced and wonders about her worth to the League but The Atom assures her she will always have a place.