Superman travels to Gotham, where he witnesses Batman interrogating a thug. Superman, not agreeing with Batman's vigilante approach, attempts to subdue Batman to be turned over to the police. Batman refuses, stating that if Superman disrupts an electronic field around Batman, a bomb somewhere in Gotham will be detonated killing an innocent person.As Batman explains about the crime in Gotham, Superman begins to see that Gotham is a very different place than Metropolis, and that a different approach is needed. The two team up for the first time to stop a villainess called Magpie, who steals bright, shiny (and valuable) objects, leaving deadly traps behind in exchange.After Magpie is brought into custody, Batman reveals that he was the innocent person that had the bomb all along. He was certain that with all of Superman's gifts that he could spot a lie, but would not put someone else at risk.